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How to submit your entry:


It’s easy! Simply email your short story to: as a word doc or an rtf attachment. In the subject line put “contest entry” and then the title of your story. Make sure your manuscript is in 12 point font and double spaced. Also make sure author, title and page number are in the header. Please do not submit through google docs.


For artists, please send your art as a PDF, GIF or JPG file. This means for those of you not submitting digital art, you will either have to scan your work or take a photo of it in order to send it. If this makes submitting difficult for you please e-mail me at and I will give you an address to snail mail a color copy of your work.


For both authors and artists please include in the body of your email: your full name and age, a phone number to reach you, or a parent if you are a minor, and an email address. Do not worry about including a cover letter. Stories and art will be judged solely on their merit.


May the force and the creative muse be with you!  

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